The seeds of the Creakle Library began back in 1972, with one of the first paperback editions of the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy, loaned to a friend who disappeared for long periods to far-flung corners of the world whilst in the merchant navy. He chose the book, not for its content but for its size, a doorstep of a book rivalling Gone with the Wind, which was deemed perfect for whiling away long days at sea. Not expecting to ever see it again, a chance meeting several years later, surprisingly resulted in its return.
The idea of sharing our much-loved books was born. All those favourite reads from our past and of course the much-adored books of our present, giving new life to musty and forgotten words just sitting on the shelf waiting for a trip to the charity shop or more often the inevitable bonfire. The language may be older but the stories are rich with long forgotten words, memories, plots and characters that stand testament to the writer’s imagination, research and diligence in a world that was made real in our imaginations.
So, all these years later, as our public libraries fade faster than a snowflake in the sun, part of our reason for beginning this quest is to make all the books that we hoard and have forgotten on our shelves available to a new audience for everyone and anyone to read. Trace the journeys they take along the way, create your own book shelves of your favourite books to share with other Creakle members, open many new ways of accessing and discovering books and readers, and discover so much more…
Do have fun and keep in touch!
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