This collection of traditional stories gathered from all reaches of...
Red Sky at Night: Autobiography
John Barrington
John Barrington was a shepherd to over 750 Blackface ewes who graze 2,000...
Of Dogs and Men
John Barrington
Early man would have been alert to wild, camp-following dogs warning of...
On the Trail of Rob Roy McGregor
John Barrington
Rob Roy MacGregor's audacious defiance of the Hanovarian authorities...
The Tales of the Sapphire Sun
John Barrington
'His gaze returned to the baby. She followed his gaze, setting eyes...
Of Dogs and Men
John Barrington
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs An A-Z of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park and Surrounding Area by Barrington, John ( Author ) ON Mar-27-2006, Paperback
John Barrington
John Barrington draws upon his wealth of knowledge and experience of life...