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Rubem Fonseca

Rubem Fonseca


Rubem Fonseca

He is an important Brazilian writer (novelist, short story writer and screenwriter), born in Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, but he lived for most of his life in Rio de Janeiro. In 1952, he started his career in the police and became a policy commissioner. Even though, he refuses to do interviews and is a very reclusive person, much like Thomas Pynchon, who is a personal friend of Fonseca.His writing is pretty dark and gritty, filled with violence and sexual content, and it usually happens in a very urban setting. He says that a writer should have the courage to show what most people are afraid to say. His work is considered groundbreaking in Brazilian literature, up until then mostly focused on rural settings and usually treating cities with a very biased point-of-view. Almost all Brazilian contemporary writers acknowledge Fonseca's importance, and quite a few authors from the newer generation, such as Patrícia Melo or Luis Ruffato, say that he's a huge influence.He started his career with short stories, and they are usually considered to be the best part of his work. His first popular novel was A Grande Arte (High Art), but "Agosto" is usually considered to be his best work.In 2003, he won the Camões Prize - considered to be the most important award in the Portuguese language - and the Juan Rulfo Prize - award for Latin American and the Caribbean literature.

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He is an important Brazilian writer (novelist, short story writer and screenwriter), born in Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, but he lived for most of his life in Rio de Janeiro. In 1952, he started his career in the police and became a policy commissioner. Even though, he refuses to do interviews and is a very reclusive person, much like Thomas Pynchon, who is a personal friend of Fonseca.His writing is pretty dark and gritty, filled with violence and sexual content, and it usually happens in a very urban setting. He says that a writer should have the courage to show what most people are afraid to say. His work is considered groundbreaking in Brazilian literature, up until then mostly focused on rural settings and usually treating cities with a very biased point-of-view. Almost all Brazilian contemporary writers acknowledge Fonseca's importance, and quite a few authors from the newer generation, such as Patrícia Melo or Luis Ruffato, say that he's a huge influence.He started his career with short stories, and they are usually considered to be the best part of his work. His first popular novel was A Grande Arte (High Art), but "Agosto" is usually considered to be his best work.In 2003, he won the Camões Prize - considered to be the most important award in the Portuguese language - and the Juan Rulfo Prize - award for Latin American and the Caribbean literature.

Author's Books

The Lost Manuscript

Rubem Fonseca

What better place to hide a collection of priceless jewels than among the...



Rubem Fonseca



Feliz Ano Novo

Rubem Fonseca



Bufo und Spallanzani.

Rubem Fonseca

Sapos e escritores, crises e obsessões, num jogo de ironia, humor sutil e...


High Art

Rubem Fonseca

Apenas a letra P, traçada a ponta de faca no rosto de uma prostituta...


Vastas emoções e pensamentos imperfeitos

Rubem Fonseca

Um mundo onde realidade e ficção, o sonho e a vigília, se confundem numa...


O Cobrador

Rubem Fonseca

Most widely admired for his short fiction, The Taker and Other Stories is...


Seminarista Rubem Fonseca (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

Fonseca Rubem Jose

Sai pela Agir em 7 de novembro, O Seminarista, livro inédito de Rubem...


E do meio do mundo prostituto só amores guardei ao meu charuto ;: Histórias de amor

Rubem Fonseca

Não há remédio melhor para a epidemia angelical, regressiva e profética que...


Secreciones Excreciones y Desatinos

Rubem Fonseca

Um conjunto de contos em que a fisiologia do corpo humano se associa a...


Romance negro e outras histórias

Rubem Fonseca

Neste livro, Rubem Fonseca traz de volta o seu inconfundível traço...


A Confraria dos Espadas (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

Rubem Fonseca

CONTOS Sobre o Livro :(...) A Rainha de Aragão, como conta Montaigne, bem...


Lucia McCartney: Contos

Rubem Fonseca



O Buraco Na Parede

Rubem Fonseca

Rubem Fonseca retrata delegados e marginais, escritores fracassados,...


Pequenas Criaturas

Rubem Fonseca

'Pequenas criaturas' encerra em si histórias de personagens de...


Histórias de Amor

Rubem Fonseca

Contos magistrais de Fonseca em sua excelência: linguagem enxuta, diálogos...


Axilas E Outras Histórias Indecorosas (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

José Rubem Fonseca

Colección de cuentos“Tomábamos café juntos todos los días. Y después nos...


Amálgama (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

Rubem Fonseca

Livro vencedor do Prêmio Jabuti 2014 na categoria Contos e Crônicas. Em...


A Coleira Do Cão (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

Rubem Fonseca

" Flores artificiales sucias en un florero de falso cristal.Muebles viejos...


Mandrake: La Biblia Y El Baston/ The Bible and the Stick (La Otra Orilla/ the Other Edge)

Rubem Fonseca

Com "Mandrake - A Bíblia e a Bengala", Rubem Fonseca regressa ao romance...


José (Portuguese)

Rubem Fonseca

Ao falar de sua infância José tem que recorrer à sua memória e sabe que ela...


O selvagem da opera

Rubem Fonseca

Romance, biografia, argumento cinematográfico, 'O selvagem da...


O Doente Molière

Rubem Fonseca

A trupe acabou de representar O doente imaginário. No palco, Molière, que...


Contos reunidos (Portuguese Edition)

Rubem Fonseca



Os Prisioneiros

Rubem Fonseca

Autor que já surgiu maduro, Rubem Fonseca estreou na literatura em 1963 com...


O Romance Morreu (Em Portuguese do Brasil)

Rubem Fonseca

Um Rubem Fonseca descontraído e surpreendente é o que se revela nestas...

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