Gimme Five

Gimme Five

Nicola Graimes

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Official covers

A reference for parents makes recommendations on how to involve children in planning and preparing meals as a part of helping them to cultivate healthy eating habits, in a guide that pairs lavish fruit and vegetable photographs with a range of simple recipes, from Leek and Potato Soup and All-in-One Tuna Risotto to Chinese Rice with Salmon Kabobs and Toffee Apple Cinnamon Buns. Original.

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A reference for parents makes recommendations on how to involve children in planning and preparing meals as a part of helping them to cultivate healthy eating habits, in a guide that pairs lavish fruit and vegetable photographs with a range of simple recipes, from Leek and Potato Soup and All-in-One Tuna Risotto to Chinese Rice with Salmon Kabobs and Toffee Apple Cinnamon Buns. Original.

Nicola Graimes

Nicola Graimes has been a food writer, editor and stylist for over 20 years, but her interest in vegetarianism extends far beyond that. She was the editor of Vegetarian Living magazine for 5 years and...

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