Cooking with Beans, Grains, Pulses and Legumes: 185 Healthy, Wholesome and Delicious Low-fat Recipes for Every Day, from Breakfast to Lunch to Special Occasion Dishes

Cooking with Beans, Grains, Pulses and Legumes: 185 Healthy, Wholesome and Delicious Low-fat Recipes for Every Day, from Breakfast to Lunch to Special Occasion Dishes

Nicola Graimes

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This practical book aims to make beans, pulses, seeds, legumes and grains a familiar part of everyday living, introducing them into the diet in well-known and familiar recipes.

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This practical book aims to make beans, pulses, seeds, legumes and grains a familiar part of everyday living, introducing them into the diet in well-known and familiar recipes.

Nicola Graimes

Nicola Graimes has been a food writer, editor and stylist for over 20 years, but her interest in vegetarianism extends far beyond that. She was the editor of Vegetarian Living magazine for 5 years and...

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