Probably Nothing

Probably Nothing

Matilda Tristram

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At 31, Matilda Tristram was 17 weeks pregnant and looking forward to having her first baby. Then she discovered she had cancer. This touching and hilarious graphic memoir, which is never morose or self-pitying, starts at the moment Matilda was diagnosed and ends when her course of chemotherapy finished in October 2013. Recording the awkward conversations, the highs and lows of treatment, the mixed blessings of receiving 'get well' cards, and the reality of still having to queue too long for croissants, Matilda captures her experiences with characteristic style and warmth

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At 31, Matilda Tristram was 17 weeks pregnant and looking forward to having her first baby. Then she discovered she had cancer. This touching and hilarious graphic memoir, which is never morose or self-pitying, starts at the moment Matilda was diagnosed and ends when her course of chemotherapy finished in October 2013. Recording the awkward conversations, the highs and lows of treatment, the mixed blessings of receiving 'get well' cards, and the reality of still having to queue too long for croissants, Matilda captures her experiences with characteristic style and warmth

Matilda Tristram

Matilda Tristram studied animation at the Royal College of Art, graduating in 2008. Since then she has worked as a children's writer, lecturer and filmmaker. She was co-writer on two animated BBC...

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Paracom   04-07-2016

Puts life into perspective!

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