A Harvest of Thorns: A Novel

A Harvest of Thorns: A Novel

Corban Addison

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A beloved American company with an explosive secret. A disgraced former journalist looking for redemption. A corporate executive with nothing left to lose. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, a garment factory burns to the ground, claiming the lives of hundreds of workers, mostly young women. Amid the rubble, a bystander captures a heart-stopping image—a teenage girl lying in the dirt, her body broken by a multi-story fall, and over her mouth a mask of fabric bearing the label of one of America’s largest retailers, Presto Omnishops Corporation. When the photo goes viral, it fans the flames of a decades-old controversy about sweatshops, labour rights and the ethics of globalization. A year later, in Washington, DC, Joshua Griswold, a disgraced former journalist for The Washington Post, receives an anonymous summons from a corporate whistleblower promising information about Presto. There, to Griswold’s astonishment, he meets Cameron Alexander, Presto’s long-time general counsel. Alexander, who has secrets of his own, offers Griswold confidential information about Presto’s apparel supply chain. For Griswold, the challenge of exposing Presto’s willful negligence is irresistible, as is the chance, however slight, at redemption. Deploying his old journalistic skills, he builds a historic case against Presto, setting the stage for a war in the courtroom and in the media that Griswold is determined to win—both to salvage his reputation and to provoke a revolution of conscience in Presto’s boardroom that could change the course of the fashion industry across the globe.

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A beloved American company with an explosive secret. A disgraced former journalist looking for redemption. A corporate executive with nothing left to lose. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, a garment factory burns to the ground, claiming the lives of hundreds of workers, mostly young women. Amid the rubble, a bystander captures a heart-stopping image—a teenage girl lying in the dirt, her body broken by a multi-story fall, and over her mouth a mask of fabric bearing the label of one of America’s largest retailers, Presto Omnishops Corporation. When the photo goes viral, it fans the flames of a decades-old controversy about sweatshops, labour rights and the ethics of globalization. A year later, in Washington, DC, Joshua Griswold, a disgraced former journalist for The Washington Post, receives an anonymous summons from a corporate whistleblower promising information about Presto. There, to Griswold’s astonishment, he meets Cameron Alexander, Presto’s long-time general counsel. Alexander, who has secrets of his own, offers Griswold confidential information about Presto’s apparel supply chain. For Griswold, the challenge of exposing Presto’s willful negligence is irresistible, as is the chance, however slight, at redemption. Deploying his old journalistic skills, he builds a historic case against Presto, setting the stage for a war in the courtroom and in the media that Griswold is determined to win—both to salvage his reputation and to provoke a revolution of conscience in Presto’s boardroom that could change the course of the fashion industry across the globe.

Corban Addison

Corban Addison holds degrees in law and engineering from the University of Virginia and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He began to experiment with writing at the age of...

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