Girl in the Cellar

Girl in the Cellar

Allan Hall

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Austria 2 March 1998, on her way to school, Natascha Kampusch 10 was abducted by Wolfgang Priklopil. More than 8 years later, 23 August 23 2006, she escaped from a cellar under a seemingly ordinary suburban home. How did she survive? What sort of woman had emerged? What kind of man was her abductor — and what demands had he made of her?

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Austria 2 March 1998, on her way to school, Natascha Kampusch 10 was abducted by Wolfgang Priklopil. More than 8 years later, 23 August 23 2006, she escaped from a cellar under a seemingly ordinary suburban home. How did she survive? What sort of woman had emerged? What kind of man was her abductor — and what demands had he made of her?

Allan Hall

Allan Hall was a New York correspondent for ten years, first for The Sun and later for the Daily Mirror. He co-founded the Big Apple News media agency and has covered German-speaking Europe for the...

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