Getting Started: Long Exposure Astrophotography

Getting Started: Long Exposure Astrophotography

Allan Hall

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Astrophotography can be one of the most rewarding pursuits of a lifetime, it can also be one of the most daunting. This book uses over 200 illustrations, images, charts and graphs in addition to the text to help you understand what equipment you will need and how to make it all work so you can create breathtaking images of the heavens. From purchasing your first astrophotography telescope, hooking up your camera, taking long exposure images, and finally processing that finished image, this book will be your indispensable guide. If you have ever wanted to take photographs of glowing nebulae, spiral galaxies and shimmering star clusters, this is the reference you want on your desk as well as with you out under the stars. I will take you on a journey exploring in-depth details of field rotation and focusing methods, as well as explaining not just the what and how, but the ever important why. Actually see why you stack multiple images and what effect it has. Don't just read about how the atmosphere affects imaging, see it through experimentation that you can do at home on your own!

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Astrophotography can be one of the most rewarding pursuits of a lifetime, it can also be one of the most daunting. This book uses over 200 illustrations, images, charts and graphs in addition to the text to help you understand what equipment you will need and how to make it all work so you can create breathtaking images of the heavens. From purchasing your first astrophotography telescope, hooking up your camera, taking long exposure images, and finally processing that finished image, this book will be your indispensable guide. If you have ever wanted to take photographs of glowing nebulae, spiral galaxies and shimmering star clusters, this is the reference you want on your desk as well as with you out under the stars. I will take you on a journey exploring in-depth details of field rotation and focusing methods, as well as explaining not just the what and how, but the ever important why. Actually see why you stack multiple images and what effect it has. Don't just read about how the atmosphere affects imaging, see it through experimentation that you can do at home on your own!

Allan Hall

Allan Hall was a New York correspondent for ten years, first for The Sun and later for the Daily Mirror. He co-founded the Big Apple News media agency and has covered German-speaking Europe for the...

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