Mad Murderers

Mad Murderers

Allan Hall

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Who are the ruthless men who massacre complete strangers in cold blood? What kind of individual plans the death of an innocent victim? Carlos the Jackal and Joe Doherty claimed that political ideals justified their horrible deeds; Jeffrey Dahmer and Graham Young relished their powerful role as the grim reaper. Others killed simply for money. In order to understand the nature of the evil that lies behind their heartless acts, MAD MURDERERS gives the stories of eight infamous killers.

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Who are the ruthless men who massacre complete strangers in cold blood? What kind of individual plans the death of an innocent victim? Carlos the Jackal and Joe Doherty claimed that political ideals justified their horrible deeds; Jeffrey Dahmer and Graham Young relished their powerful role as the grim reaper. Others killed simply for money. In order to understand the nature of the evil that lies behind their heartless acts, MAD MURDERERS gives the stories of eight infamous killers.

Allan Hall

Allan Hall was a New York correspondent for ten years, first for The Sun and later for the Daily Mirror. He co-founded the Big Apple News media agency and has covered German-speaking Europe for the...

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