Life According to Lubka

Life According to Lubka

Laurie Graham

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Pittsburgh was too small for Beryl Wexler. Barely out of high school, she changed her name to Buzz, set off for London and made it to the top of the music PR business, looking after the coolest groups on the planet. Now, at the grand old age of 42, Buzz has been sidelined into World Music, and her life is about to change.

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Pittsburgh was too small for Beryl Wexler. Barely out of high school, she changed her name to Buzz, set off for London and made it to the top of the music PR business, looking after the coolest groups on the planet. Now, at the grand old age of 42, Buzz has been sidelined into World Music, and her life is about to change.

Laurie Graham

Laurie Graham was first published at the advanced age of 40. She is the author of THE TEN O'CLOCK HORSES, PERFECT MERINGUES, THE DRESS CIRCLE, DOG DAYS GLENN MILLER NIGHTS, THE FUTURE HOMEMAKERS...

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