Torn Apart: United by Love, Divided by Law

Torn Apart: United by Love, Divided by Law

Judy Rickard

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The uphill battle that thousands of lesbian and gay couples face are described in these moving stories about immigration, injustice, and love. As Judy and Karin's story shows, when only one person in a gay couple is an American citizen, it is virtually impossible to obtain legal residence for the other partner. U.S. federal immigration law does not have a category for their union--even if they are legally married in another country. The result is that families are ripped apart, children are separated from their parents, gravely ill people die alone in the hospital, careers are abandoned, and relationships are strained to the breaking point.

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The uphill battle that thousands of lesbian and gay couples face are described in these moving stories about immigration, injustice, and love. As Judy and Karin's story shows, when only one person in a gay couple is an American citizen, it is virtually impossible to obtain legal residence for the other partner. U.S. federal immigration law does not have a category for their union--even if they are legally married in another country. The result is that families are ripped apart, children are separated from their parents, gravely ill people die alone in the hospital, careers are abandoned, and relationships are strained to the breaking point.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert is an award-winning writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Her short story collection Pilgrims was a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway award, and her novel Stern Men was a New York...

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