Children of the Albatross (Peter Owen Modern Classic)

Children of the Albatross (Peter Owen Modern Classic)

Anaïs Nin

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"Djuna is a woman of forty with an unexplained fortune. A former ballet dancer, her only friends are associates from that world, men who tend to attract her by their least mature qualities. So when she meets seventeen-year-old Paul, she is stirred to her depths. Paul is in flight from his father, and she, for reasons buried in her past, needs the opposition of a father figure to sharpen her own desire." "Set against the cafe life of Montmartre, Children of the Albatross remains one of Nin's most poignant works, which delicately captures the nuances and half-dreamed sensations of adolescent love."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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"Djuna is a woman of forty with an unexplained fortune. A former ballet dancer, her only friends are associates from that world, men who tend to attract her by their least mature qualities. So when she meets seventeen-year-old Paul, she is stirred to her depths. Paul is in flight from his father, and she, for reasons buried in her past, needs the opposition of a father figure to sharpen her own desire." "Set against the cafe life of Montmartre, Children of the Albatross remains one of Nin's most poignant works, which delicately captures the nuances and half-dreamed sensations of adolescent love."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Anaïs Nin

French-born novelist, passionate eroticist and short story writer, who gained international fame with her journals. Spanning the years from 1931 to 1974, they give an account of one woman's...

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