Linotte - the Early Diary of Anais Nin: 1914-1920 ( Volume 1 )

Linotte - the Early Diary of Anais Nin: 1914-1920 ( Volume 1 )

Anaïs Nin

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From the Back Cover: Anais Nin started her celebrated diary at the age of eleven, when she was immigrating to New York with her mother and two young brothers. It became her confidant, her beloved friend, in which she recorded her most intimate thoughts and kept watch on the state of her character. It gives a charming and amusing view of her early life, but it will be valued most for its self-portrait of an innocent girl who is transformed, through her own insights, into an enlightened young woman.

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From the Back Cover: Anais Nin started her celebrated diary at the age of eleven, when she was immigrating to New York with her mother and two young brothers. It became her confidant, her beloved friend, in which she recorded her most intimate thoughts and kept watch on the state of her character. It gives a charming and amusing view of her early life, but it will be valued most for its self-portrait of an innocent girl who is transformed, through her own insights, into an enlightened young woman.

Anaïs Nin

French-born novelist, passionate eroticist and short story writer, who gained international fame with her journals. Spanning the years from 1931 to 1974, they give an account of one woman's...

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