Snopes, the Hamlet, the Town, the Mansion (Modern Library)

Snopes, the Hamlet, the Town, the Mansion (Modern Library)

William Faulkner

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These three full-length novels compose the Snopes trilogy. In "The Hamlet," the cunning Flem Snopes is introduced with other members of his conniving family. Flem's dream is to marry Eula Varner and remake the small world of Frenchman's Bend as his own personal kingdom. In "The Town," Flem sets his sights on the county seat of Yoknapatawpha County, Jefferson, in a ruthless bid for even more power. Finally, in "The Mansion," Mink Snopes brings down his cousin Flem with an uncharacteristic Snopes sense of honor.

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These three full-length novels compose the Snopes trilogy. In "The Hamlet," the cunning Flem Snopes is introduced with other members of his conniving family. Flem's dream is to marry Eula Varner and remake the small world of Frenchman's Bend as his own personal kingdom. In "The Town," Flem sets his sights on the county seat of Yoknapatawpha County, Jefferson, in a ruthless bid for even more power. Finally, in "The Mansion," Mink Snopes brings down his cousin Flem with an uncharacteristic Snopes sense of honor.

William Faulkner

William Cuthbert Faulkner was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer. One of the most influential writers of the twentieth century, his reputation is based mostly on his...

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