Robin Hood: People's Outlaw and Forest Hero

Robin Hood: People's Outlaw and Forest Hero

Paul Buhle

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Using a blend of text, collage and comic art, a social commentary written in graphic-novel format analyzes the myth of Robin Hood and the occurrence of social uprisings among peasants, while also exploring the village festivals, songs, films and cult television shows about the mythical hero. Original.

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Using a blend of text, collage and comic art, a social commentary written in graphic-novel format analyzes the myth of Robin Hood and the occurrence of social uprisings among peasants, while also exploring the village festivals, songs, films and cult television shows about the mythical hero. Original.

Paul Buhle

Paul Merlyn Buhle is a (retired) Senior Lecturer at Brown University, author or editor of 35 volumes including histories of radicalism in the United States and the Caribbean, studies of popular...

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