Blacklisted: The Film Lover's Guide to the Hollywood Blacklist

Blacklisted: The Film Lover's Guide to the Hollywood Blacklist

Paul Buhle

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A definitive guide to the directors, actors and actresses, writers, producers, designers, films, and more who were blacklisted in Hollywood during the McCarthy era encompasses more than two thousand entries that provide a fascinating glimpse of the entertainment industry during one of its darkest periods in history. Original. 10,000 first printing.

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A definitive guide to the directors, actors and actresses, writers, producers, designers, films, and more who were blacklisted in Hollywood during the McCarthy era encompasses more than two thousand entries that provide a fascinating glimpse of the entertainment industry during one of its darkest periods in history. Original. 10,000 first printing.

Paul Buhle

Paul Merlyn Buhle is a (retired) Senior Lecturer at Brown University, author or editor of 35 volumes including histories of radicalism in the United States and the Caribbean, studies of popular...

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