Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith

Radical Jesus: A Graphic History of Faith

Paul Buhle

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In this compelling, graphical rendition, Radical Jesus tells the story of Jesus and his social message, not just in his own time, but also through the Radical Reformation, recent centuries, and our own time. Featuring illustration by industry standouts Sabrina Jones, Gary Dumm, and Nick Thorkelson-Radical Jesus offers a fresh and inspiring look at basic Christian concepts and social justice themes from the life of Jesus onward. Readers will be drawn into stories from scripture, the Radical Reformation, and peacemaking efforts today in Iraq and Colombia, among others.

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In this compelling, graphical rendition, Radical Jesus tells the story of Jesus and his social message, not just in his own time, but also through the Radical Reformation, recent centuries, and our own time. Featuring illustration by industry standouts Sabrina Jones, Gary Dumm, and Nick Thorkelson-Radical Jesus offers a fresh and inspiring look at basic Christian concepts and social justice themes from the life of Jesus onward. Readers will be drawn into stories from scripture, the Radical Reformation, and peacemaking efforts today in Iraq and Colombia, among others.

Paul Buhle

Paul Merlyn Buhle is a (retired) Senior Lecturer at Brown University, author or editor of 35 volumes including histories of radicalism in the United States and the Caribbean, studies of popular...

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