To Jerusalem and Back

To Jerusalem and Back

Saul Bellow

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Here you sit at dinner with charming people in a dining room like any other. Yet you know that your hostess has lost a son, that her sister lost children in the 1973 war - in the domestic ceremony of passed dishes and filled glasses the thoughts of a destructive enemy are hard to grasp. What you do know is that there is one fact of Jewish life left unchanged by the creation of a Jewish State - 'You cannot take your right to love for granted'.

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Here you sit at dinner with charming people in a dining room like any other. Yet you know that your hostess has lost a son, that her sister lost children in the 1973 war - in the domestic ceremony of passed dishes and filled glasses the thoughts of a destructive enemy are hard to grasp. What you do know is that there is one fact of Jewish life left unchanged by the creation of a Jewish State - 'You cannot take your right to love for granted'.

Saul Bellow

Saul Bellow was born in Lachine, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal, in 1915, and was raised in Chicago. He attended the University of Chicago, received his Bachelor's degree from Northwestern...

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