Bellow: Novels 1970-1982: Mr. Sammler's Planet / Humboldt's Gift / The Dean's December

Bellow: Novels 1970-1982: Mr. Sammler's Planet / Humboldt's Gift / The Dean's December

Saul Bellow

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A second volume of literary works by the American fabulist includes the three novels, "A New Life," "The Fixer," and "Pictures of Fidelman" as well as ten short stories including "Idiots First" and "The Jewbird."

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A second volume of literary works by the American fabulist includes the three novels, "A New Life," "The Fixer," and "Pictures of Fidelman" as well as ten short stories including "Idiots First" and "The Jewbird."

Saul Bellow

Saul Bellow was born in Lachine, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal, in 1915, and was raised in Chicago. He attended the University of Chicago, received his Bachelor's degree from Northwestern...

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