Hypnosis Harry

Hypnosis Harry

Catherine Bailey

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No pajamas at the park. No toys in the toaster. Harry’s parents say no to everything! That is, until Harry learns about hypnosis. With a little practice, and Grandpa’s watch, Harry puts his parents in a trance and envisions a future full of fun and yes’s! Comic books by the crate, night-vision goggles for his teddy bear, a pet monkey (or two)--no request is too big or too bizarre. Harry loves his new freedom and, not to mention, all that bacon. So what if his robot goes rogue and playmates are hard to find? But when his ninja moves result in a playground pile-up, Harry starts to wonder if he really wants his every wish granted. Hypnosis Harry is a wildly funny, sweetly silly look at the real meaning of the word no. Children will delight as little Harry answers the delicious question: What would you do if you could do anything? This charming romp is perfectly captured in the lively, layered illustrations of Sarita Rich. Each read reveals clever new details, making this the perfect reread for parent and child.

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No pajamas at the park. No toys in the toaster. Harry’s parents say no to everything! That is, until Harry learns about hypnosis. With a little practice, and Grandpa’s watch, Harry puts his parents in a trance and envisions a future full of fun and yes’s! Comic books by the crate, night-vision goggles for his teddy bear, a pet monkey (or two)--no request is too big or too bizarre. Harry loves his new freedom and, not to mention, all that bacon. So what if his robot goes rogue and playmates are hard to find? But when his ninja moves result in a playground pile-up, Harry starts to wonder if he really wants his every wish granted. Hypnosis Harry is a wildly funny, sweetly silly look at the real meaning of the word no. Children will delight as little Harry answers the delicious question: What would you do if you could do anything? This charming romp is perfectly captured in the lively, layered illustrations of Sarita Rich. Each read reveals clever new details, making this the perfect reread for parent and child.

Catherine Bailey

Catherine Bailey is an award winning television producer and director. Having read history at the University of Oxford, her affection for 20th century history has lead to her to make a number of...

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