The Collected Works of Julian of Norwich

The Collected Works of Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich

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In her Revelations, Julian shows great charm in the childlike, tender quality of her expression. She sees God as one Who delights in His creation and desires that we would recognize this and participate. Julian's attitude regarding the "all shall be well" largely depends on acceptance of the limitations of our own vision and the knowledge that the vastness of divine providence is mysterious. Julian has remained a continual evolving manuscript for numerous individuals both of the laity, clergy and scholastic vocations. This is quite remarkable, since the flip side of this story is the "Ladder of Perfection" by Walter Hilton OSA, which many contend was written to Julian. This work has a life of its own and is continually resurfacing. Julian emphasizes numerous points of doctrine, with an exquisite joy, focusing on "the bliss and glory" rather than the idea of earth's being a battleground for good and evil. This is one thing which sets her apart from many others, regardless of their gender.

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In her Revelations, Julian shows great charm in the childlike, tender quality of her expression. She sees God as one Who delights in His creation and desires that we would recognize this and participate. Julian's attitude regarding the "all shall be well" largely depends on acceptance of the limitations of our own vision and the knowledge that the vastness of divine providence is mysterious. Julian has remained a continual evolving manuscript for numerous individuals both of the laity, clergy and scholastic vocations. This is quite remarkable, since the flip side of this story is the "Ladder of Perfection" by Walter Hilton OSA, which many contend was written to Julian. This work has a life of its own and is continually resurfacing. Julian emphasizes numerous points of doctrine, with an exquisite joy, focusing on "the bliss and glory" rather than the idea of earth's being a battleground for good and evil. This is one thing which sets her apart from many others, regardless of their gender.

Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich was the most important English mystic of the 14th century. Her spirituality is strongly Trinitarian and basically Neoplatonic.In her Revelations of Divine Love Julian relates that in...

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