The Feminine Mystic: Readings from Early Spiritual Writers

The Feminine Mystic: Readings from Early Spiritual Writers

Julian of Norwich

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"In this blessed revelation I was truly taught that any man or woman who voluntarily chooses God in this lifetime may be sure that he or she is chosen. Pay true heed to this, for it is indeed God's will for us to be as certain in our trust to have the bliss of heaven whilst we are here as we shall be certain of it when we are there". -- Julian of Norwich"When a soul has reached the third stage, the love of friendship and filial love, her love is no longer mercenary. Rather she does as very close friends do when one receives a gift from the other. The receiver does not look just at the gift, but at the heart and the love of the giver, and accepts and treasures the gift only because of the friend's affectionate love. So the soul, when she has reached the third stage of perfect love, when she receives my gifts and graces does not look only at the gift but with her mind's eye looks at the affectionate charity of me, the Giver". -- Catherine of SienaReaders interested in women's spirituality have long been aware that much contemporary writing has its roots in the work of the early feminine mystics. The writings of women such as Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, and Catherine of Siena both inspired and laid the foundation for the rich body of literature that is now available to us."The Feminine Mystic" is a collection of readings by the early women mystics that helps readers explore the richness of these ancient writings in a systematic way. The one- or two-page selections are collected around a variety of themes, such as prayer, God, justice, and vocation. An introduction describes both the women in their contexts and their contemporary significance.Easy to read, withinclusive-language editing, these brief selections provide a well-organized and comprehensive volume of this ancient and foundational body of texts. Ideal for those who practice daily spiritual reading as a discipline.

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"In this blessed revelation I was truly taught that any man or woman who voluntarily chooses God in this lifetime may be sure that he or she is chosen. Pay true heed to this, for it is indeed God's will for us to be as certain in our trust to have the bliss of heaven whilst we are here as we shall be certain of it when we are there". -- Julian of Norwich"When a soul has reached the third stage, the love of friendship and filial love, her love is no longer mercenary. Rather she does as very close friends do when one receives a gift from the other. The receiver does not look just at the gift, but at the heart and the love of the giver, and accepts and treasures the gift only because of the friend's affectionate love. So the soul, when she has reached the third stage of perfect love, when she receives my gifts and graces does not look only at the gift but with her mind's eye looks at the affectionate charity of me, the Giver". -- Catherine of SienaReaders interested in women's spirituality have long been aware that much contemporary writing has its roots in the work of the early feminine mystics. The writings of women such as Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, and Catherine of Siena both inspired and laid the foundation for the rich body of literature that is now available to us."The Feminine Mystic" is a collection of readings by the early women mystics that helps readers explore the richness of these ancient writings in a systematic way. The one- or two-page selections are collected around a variety of themes, such as prayer, God, justice, and vocation. An introduction describes both the women in their contexts and their contemporary significance.Easy to read, withinclusive-language editing, these brief selections provide a well-organized and comprehensive volume of this ancient and foundational body of texts. Ideal for those who practice daily spiritual reading as a discipline.

Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich was the most important English mystic of the 14th century. Her spirituality is strongly Trinitarian and basically Neoplatonic.In her Revelations of Divine Love Julian relates that in...

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