Marxism and the French Left: Studies on Labour and Politics in France, 1830-1981

Marxism and the French Left: Studies on Labour and Politics in France, 1830-1981

Tony Judt

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Unlike most books, which treat labor, Socialist and Communist history separately and view French Marxism as a self-contained philosophical phenomenon, Marxism and the French Left offers a refreshingly different approach to the subject. Judt emphasizes the complex and interwoven themes that unify the topics of his essays to construct a distinctive and original interpretation of French left-wing politics over the past 150 years.A well-informed and persuasive reinterpretation of the old French Left that is now receding beyond recall, except for historians. Times Literary Supplement"

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Unlike most books, which treat labor, Socialist and Communist history separately and view French Marxism as a self-contained philosophical phenomenon, Marxism and the French Left offers a refreshingly different approach to the subject. Judt emphasizes the complex and interwoven themes that unify the topics of his essays to construct a distinctive and original interpretation of French left-wing politics over the past 150 years.A well-informed and persuasive reinterpretation of the old French Left that is now receding beyond recall, except for historians. Times Literary Supplement"

Tony Judt

Born in 1948, Tony Judt was raised in the East End of London by a mother whose parents had immigrated from Russia and a Belgian father who descended from a line of Lithuanian rabbis. Judt was educated...

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