Black Elk's Prayer & Vision

Black Elk's Prayer & Vision

Ed McGaa

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Twenty years before the fall of the Sioux nation, Black Elk experienced a vision of the six great powers that guide the world and his people's future. Now, a century after his death, Sioux historian Ed McGaa discusses Black Elk's deeds as a warrior, medicine healer, and spiritual leader.

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Twenty years before the fall of the Sioux nation, Black Elk experienced a vision of the six great powers that guide the world and his people's future. Now, a century after his death, Sioux historian Ed McGaa discusses Black Elk's deeds as a warrior, medicine healer, and spiritual leader.

Ed McGaa

He received his bachelor's degree from St. John's University, earned a law degree from the University of South Dakota, and has studied under Chief Eagle Feather and Chief Fools Crow, Sioux...

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