"Spiritual Truth begins with, resides in and is implemented by the Creator. An eastern North American tribe exemplifies through their Exodus journey westward, the supreme power of connecting with Creator's teachings, primarily through God's Creations -- Nature. Their spiritual recognition of the teachings of Nature, Creator's Code spawned a proven track record far superior than what would later come to their shores. Their belief system produced a rewarding, respecting lifestyle that also produced self-less, devoted leadership, which the Dominant Society of today desperately lacks. This book is a must read for all, beginning with those enlightened few who realize that the planetary situation is indeed seriously grave and must carry this message forward"--Page 4 of cover.
"Spiritual Truth begins with, resides in and is implemented by the Creator. An eastern North American tribe exemplifies through their Exodus journey westward, the supreme power of connecting with Creator's teachings, primarily through God's Creations -- Nature. Their spiritual recognition of the teachings of Nature, Creator's Code spawned a proven track record far superior than what would later come to their shores. Their belief system produced a rewarding, respecting lifestyle that also produced self-less, devoted leadership, which the Dominant Society of today desperately lacks. This book is a must read for all, beginning with those enlightened few who realize that the planetary situation is indeed seriously grave and must carry this message forward"--Page 4 of cover.
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