Snow-Bound and Other Autobiographic Poems

Snow-Bound and Other Autobiographic Poems

John Greenleaf Whittier

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A collection of poems by the respected New England poet of the 19th century. He was a Quaker who opposed slavery and other injustices in his writing. The title poem, "Snow-Bound," had its origins as Whittier's attempt to recreate his farm boyhood and to memorialize now-dead family members, like his mother and sister Elizabeth. Other poems in this volume include: "The Quaker of the Olden Time," "Sunset on the Bear Camp," "The Tent on the Beach," "Ichabod," "A Sea-Dream," etc. As the voice of the New England villager and farmer prior to industrialization, his work portrays an important period in American history.

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A collection of poems by the respected New England poet of the 19th century. He was a Quaker who opposed slavery and other injustices in his writing. The title poem, "Snow-Bound," had its origins as Whittier's attempt to recreate his farm boyhood and to memorialize now-dead family members, like his mother and sister Elizabeth. Other poems in this volume include: "The Quaker of the Olden Time," "Sunset on the Bear Camp," "The Tent on the Beach," "Ichabod," "A Sea-Dream," etc. As the voice of the New England villager and farmer prior to industrialization, his work portrays an important period in American history.

John Greenleaf Whittier

John Greenleaf Whittier was an influential American Quaker poet and ardent advocate of the abolition of slavery in the United States. He is usually listed as one of the Fireside Poets. Whittier was...

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