Hitler's Peace: A Novel of the Second World War

Hitler's Peace: A Novel of the Second World War

Philip Kerr

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Realizing in the aftermath of Stalingrad that Germany will not win the war, Adolf Hitler considers the demands of FDR, Stalin, and Churchill, while OSS operative Willard Mayer, serving as FDR's envoy, finds his beliefs in the period's stylish philosophies put to the test. By the author of March Violets. Reprint. 50,000 first printing.

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Realizing in the aftermath of Stalingrad that Germany will not win the war, Adolf Hitler considers the demands of FDR, Stalin, and Churchill, while OSS operative Willard Mayer, serving as FDR's envoy, finds his beliefs in the period's stylish philosophies put to the test. By the author of March Violets. Reprint. 50,000 first printing.

Philip Kerr

Kerr has published eleven novels under his full name and a children's series, Children of the Lamp, under the name P.B. Kerr.

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