My Forbidden Face

My Forbidden Face

Lisa Appignanesi

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Paperback. Pub Date: 2002 Pages: 192 Publisher: Virago Latifa was Born into an educated middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980. She Dreamed of one day of becoming a journalist. She was interested in fashion. Movies and Friends . Her father was in the importexport business and her mother was a doctor. Then in September 1996. Taliban soldiers seized power in Kabul. From that moment. Latifa. just 16 years old became a prisoner in her own home. Her school was closed. Her mother was banned from working. The simplest and most basic freedoms - walking down the street. looking out a window - were no longer hers. She was now forced to wear a chadri. My Forbidden Face provides a poignant and highly personal account of life under the Taliban regime. With painful honesty and clarity Latifa describes the way she watched her world falling apart. in the name of a fanatical interpretat...

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Paperback. Pub Date: 2002 Pages: 192 Publisher: Virago Latifa was Born into an educated middle-class Afghan family in Kabul in 1980. She Dreamed of one day of becoming a journalist. She was interested in fashion. Movies and Friends . Her father was in the importexport business and her mother was a doctor. Then in September 1996. Taliban soldiers seized power in Kabul. From that moment. Latifa. just 16 years old became a prisoner in her own home. Her school was closed. Her mother was banned from working. The simplest and most basic freedoms - walking down the street. looking out a window - were no longer hers. She was now forced to wear a chadri. My Forbidden Face provides a poignant and highly personal account of life under the Taliban regime. With painful honesty and clarity Latifa describes the way she watched her world falling apart. in the name of a fanatical interpretat...

Lisa Appignanesi

Known also as Jessica Ayre Elżbieta Borensztejn was born on 4 January 1946 in Łódź, Poland, the daughter of Hena and Aaron Borensztejn with Jewish origin. Following her birth, her parents moved to...

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