Freud's Women: Family, Patients, Followers

Freud's Women: Family, Patients, Followers

Lisa Appignanesi

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As a writer, Sigmund Freud has affected powerful views on women. No one has been so vilified, both for his theories of the feminine, and for his alleged elevation of personal prejudice to the level of universality. Libertarian, old-fashioned moralist, Victorian patriarch, prophet of polymorphous perversity - these are only some of the charges leveled against Freud.

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As a writer, Sigmund Freud has affected powerful views on women. No one has been so vilified, both for his theories of the feminine, and for his alleged elevation of personal prejudice to the level of universality. Libertarian, old-fashioned moralist, Victorian patriarch, prophet of polymorphous perversity - these are only some of the charges leveled against Freud.

Lisa Appignanesi

Known also as Jessica Ayre Elżbieta Borensztejn was born on 4 January 1946 in Łódź, Poland, the daughter of Hena and Aaron Borensztejn with Jewish origin. Following her birth, her parents moved to...

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