Irrawaddy Tango: A Novel

Irrawaddy Tango: A Novel

Wendy Law-Yone

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A novel of love, vengeance and political unrest in South East Asia, Irrawaddy Tango tells the unsettling tale of powerful men and powerless women. Evoking the harshness of exile, it reveals the misunderstandings between East and West and by doing so captures the intensity of living between the two.

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A novel of love, vengeance and political unrest in South East Asia, Irrawaddy Tango tells the unsettling tale of powerful men and powerless women. Evoking the harshness of exile, it reveals the misunderstandings between East and West and by doing so captures the intensity of living between the two.

Amitav Ghosh

Amitav Ghosh is one of India's best-known writers. His books include The Circle of Reason, The Shadow Lines, In An Antique Land, Dancing in Cambodia, The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace,...

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