Bridge Between Worlds: Extraordinary Experiences That Changed Lives

Bridge Between Worlds: Extraordinary Experiences That Changed Lives

Dan Millman

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A decade before Dan Millman wrote his spiritual classic Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a motorcycle crash ended his Olympic dreams. Some years later, two thugs, one armed with a metal pipe, closed in to attack a young writer named Doug Childers. These two young men had no notion that they would one day meet, become friends, and draw upon their experiences to create a collection of inspiring stories about people whose lives were changed by extraordinary events.Each story in this newly revised volume (formerly titled Divine Interventions) describes a unique journey across a metaphorical bridge to a higher reality. These stirring accounts of the lives of ordinary people as well as iconic figures, past and present, will awaken in readers a renewed faith in the mysterious possibilities hidden in daily life. The stories invite believers and skeptics alike to consider the well-documented phenomena that challenge conventional assumptions about reality. They point to a dimension of transcendent possibility awaiting us ? across the Bridge Between Worlds.

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A decade before Dan Millman wrote his spiritual classic Way of the Peaceful Warrior, a motorcycle crash ended his Olympic dreams. Some years later, two thugs, one armed with a metal pipe, closed in to attack a young writer named Doug Childers. These two young men had no notion that they would one day meet, become friends, and draw upon their experiences to create a collection of inspiring stories about people whose lives were changed by extraordinary events.Each story in this newly revised volume (formerly titled Divine Interventions) describes a unique journey across a metaphorical bridge to a higher reality. These stirring accounts of the lives of ordinary people as well as iconic figures, past and present, will awaken in readers a renewed faith in the mysterious possibilities hidden in daily life. The stories invite believers and skeptics alike to consider the well-documented phenomena that challenge conventional assumptions about reality. They point to a dimension of transcendent possibility awaiting us ? across the Bridge Between Worlds.

Dan Millman

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor.After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan's teaching found its form as...

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