Inside/Out: New Writing from Goa

Inside/Out: New Writing from Goa

Amitav Ghosh

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This is the first compilation of original work from Goa Writers. In recent years, the smallest state in India has become the site of profound globalisation and change, and has rapidly developed a diverse and multi-cultural society. inside/out is a cross-section of this changed world: it contains stories by migrants and sons of the soil, and a range of viewpoints that are sure to challenge and destroy the stereotypes that remain prevalent about India's favourite vacation destination.

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This is the first compilation of original work from Goa Writers. In recent years, the smallest state in India has become the site of profound globalisation and change, and has rapidly developed a diverse and multi-cultural society. inside/out is a cross-section of this changed world: it contains stories by migrants and sons of the soil, and a range of viewpoints that are sure to challenge and destroy the stereotypes that remain prevalent about India's favourite vacation destination.

Amitav Ghosh

Amitav Ghosh is one of India's best-known writers. His books include The Circle of Reason, The Shadow Lines, In An Antique Land, Dancing in Cambodia, The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace,...

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