The Queen's Houses

The Queen's Houses

Alan Titchmarsh

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Both a sumptuous visual guide and an affectionate look at the personal family stories behind the formal grandeur of the royal residenciesThe Queen’s life is dedicated to her public—every move is scrutinized, every word noted. But her homes are havens where peace can be found, away from watchful eyes; sanctuaries of private calm in a whirlwind life of public duty. Here Alan Titchmarsh takes readers on a tour of the royal residences, examining the personal family stories behind these magnificent buildings. Through personal reflections, interviews with royal staff, and meticulous historical research, Alan looks beyond the formal grandeur of Buckingham Palace, the imposing structure of Windsor Castle, and the private escape offered by Balmoral and others. Illustrated with intimate family photographs and evocative memorabilia, The Queen’s Houses offers a glimpse of life behind the state banquets and sovereign duties—a respectful study of the royal family at home.

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Both a sumptuous visual guide and an affectionate look at the personal family stories behind the formal grandeur of the royal residenciesThe Queen’s life is dedicated to her public—every move is scrutinized, every word noted. But her homes are havens where peace can be found, away from watchful eyes; sanctuaries of private calm in a whirlwind life of public duty. Here Alan Titchmarsh takes readers on a tour of the royal residences, examining the personal family stories behind these magnificent buildings. Through personal reflections, interviews with royal staff, and meticulous historical research, Alan looks beyond the formal grandeur of Buckingham Palace, the imposing structure of Windsor Castle, and the private escape offered by Balmoral and others. Illustrated with intimate family photographs and evocative memorabilia, The Queen’s Houses offers a glimpse of life behind the state banquets and sovereign duties—a respectful study of the royal family at home.

Alan Titchmarsh

Alan Titchmarsh was born and brought up on the edge of Ilkley Moor. He left school at fifteen and became an apprentice gardener in the local nursery, following this with full-time training at...

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