Still Here

Still Here

Linda Grant

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Two middle-aged people meet in Liverpool, once the embarkation point for nine million future Americans, now a dying port. Alix has returned for her mother's death and to receive her dying wish. Joseph, an American architect, is there to build a hotel. Both are hiding a great deal - from others and from themselves.

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Two middle-aged people meet in Liverpool, once the embarkation point for nine million future Americans, now a dying port. Alix has returned for her mother's death and to receive her dying wish. Joseph, an American architect, is there to build a hotel. Both are hiding a great deal - from others and from themselves.

Linda Grant

Linda Grant was born in Liverpool on 15 February 1951, the child of Russian and Polish Jewish immigrants. She was educated at the Belvedere School (GDST), read English at the University of York,...

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