The Secret Gratitude Book

The Secret Gratitude Book

Rhonda Byrne

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The best-selling author and producer of The Secret offers inspiring quotes and affirmations to encourage personal journaling and reflection on gratitude and abundance, equipping individuals with a powerful tool to transform their lives and experience more joy. 500,000 first printing. $250,000 ad/promo.

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The best-selling author and producer of The Secret offers inspiring quotes and affirmations to encourage personal journaling and reflection on gratitude and abundance, equipping individuals with a powerful tool to transform their lives and experience more joy. 500,000 first printing. $250,000 ad/promo.

Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian television writer and producer, best known for her New Thought works, The Secret—a book and a film by the same name. By the Spring of 2007 the book had sold almost 4...

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