Screams in the Dark

Screams in the Dark

Anna Smith

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Crime reporter Rosie Gilmour has a grisly new investigation: the body of a refugee has been found in a Glasgow canal, missing limbs and vital organs. He's not the first person to go missing - are there vigilantes at work or is there something far more sinister going on? It's up to Rosie to find out - but will what she discovers leave her with murder on her hands?

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Crime reporter Rosie Gilmour has a grisly new investigation: the body of a refugee has been found in a Glasgow canal, missing limbs and vital organs. He's not the first person to go missing - are there vigilantes at work or is there something far more sinister going on? It's up to Rosie to find out - but will what she discovers leave her with murder on her hands?

Anna Smith

ANNA SMITH is an award winning journalist, formerly chief reporter of the Daily Record in Scotland, and sometimes newspaper columnist, with a bit of travel writing thrown in.
She divides her time...

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