The Shape of Water (Commissario Montalbano #1)

The Shape of Water (Commissario Montalbano #1)

Andrea Camilleri

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Silvio Lupanello, a big shot in the village of Vigta, is found dead in his car in a rough part of town frequented by prostitutes and drug dealers. Enter Inspector Salvo Montalbano. With his mix of humor, cynicism, compassion, and love of good food, Montalbano goes into battle against the powerful and the corrupt who block his path to the real killer.

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Silvio Lupanello, a big shot in the village of Vigta, is found dead in his car in a rough part of town frequented by prostitutes and drug dealers. Enter Inspector Salvo Montalbano. With his mix of humor, cynicism, compassion, and love of good food, Montalbano goes into battle against the powerful and the corrupt who block his path to the real killer.

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