The Coal Miner's Daughter

The Coal Miner's Daughter

Maggie Hope

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A wealthy landlord’s son, and a coal miner’s daughter… Growing up in poverty, one of six siblings, Hannah Armstrong never thought she’d know anything other than her little mining town. But then she falls for Timothy Durkin, a wealthy Oxford student…Following her heart, Hannah sacrifices everything she holds dear and follows her new husband to Oxford. But will her new life of luxury be everything she expected - or will she find that once a coal miner's daughter, always a coal miner's daughter..?

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A wealthy landlord’s son, and a coal miner’s daughter… Growing up in poverty, one of six siblings, Hannah Armstrong never thought she’d know anything other than her little mining town. But then she falls for Timothy Durkin, a wealthy Oxford student…Following her heart, Hannah sacrifices everything she holds dear and follows her new husband to Oxford. But will her new life of luxury be everything she expected - or will she find that once a coal miner's daughter, always a coal miner's daughter..?

Maggie Hope

Maggie Hope was born and raised in County Durham. She worked as a nurse for many years , before giving up her career to raise her family.

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