In the Falling Snow

In the Falling Snow

Caryl Phillips

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Estranged from his entire family and accused of harassment by a colleague, social worker and race advocate Keith struggles with growing fears about the pointlessness of his work while tracing the events that have led to his present state. By the PEN Beyond Margins-winning author of Dancing in the Dark.

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Estranged from his entire family and accused of harassment by a colleague, social worker and race advocate Keith struggles with growing fears about the pointlessness of his work while tracing the events that have led to his present state. By the PEN Beyond Margins-winning author of Dancing in the Dark.

Caryl Phillips

Caryl Phillips was born in St.Kitts and came to Britain at the age of four months. He grew up in Leeds, and studied English Literature at Oxford University.He began writing for the theatre and his...

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