Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete

Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete

Alice Walker

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Paperback. Pub Date: May. 2003 Pages: 480 Publisher: Mariner Books This anthology The represents Alice Walker's complete Earlier poetry. FROM the summer of 1965 when SHE traveled to East Africa and Began The poems that would form HER first collection. Through her poetry of the civil rights movement and beyond. Revelatory introductions to each group of poems provide a special insight into the evolving consciousness of one of the most remarkable and provocative literary minds of our time.

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Paperback. Pub Date: May. 2003 Pages: 480 Publisher: Mariner Books This anthology The represents Alice Walker's complete Earlier poetry. FROM the summer of 1965 when SHE traveled to East Africa and Began The poems that would form HER first collection. Through her poetry of the civil rights movement and beyond. Revelatory introductions to each group of poems provide a special insight into the evolving consciousness of one of the most remarkable and provocative literary minds of our time.

Alice Walker

Alice Walker (b. 1944), one of the United States’ preeminent writers, is an award-winning author of novels, stories, essays, and poetry. In 1983, Walker became the first African-American woman to win...

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