"The Same River Twice" is an exciting collection of work based on Alice Walker's groundbreaking, Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Color Purple." It includes the never-used screenplay Walker wrote, never-before-seen diary entries and letters, as well as new writings by the author on such topics as art, motherhood, illness, and relationships. Walker also discusses, for the first time, her work with Steven Spielberg, Quincy Jones, Oprah Winkey, and Whoopi Goldberg on the film based on her book. As it explores the controversy surrounding the movie and the impact of loss, illness, and fame on Walker -- "The Same River Twice" illuminates Walker as woman, healer, and artist.
"The Same River Twice" is an exciting collection of work based on Alice Walker's groundbreaking, Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "The Color Purple." It includes the never-used screenplay Walker wrote, never-before-seen diary entries and letters, as well as new writings by the author on such topics as art, motherhood, illness, and relationships. Walker also discusses, for the first time, her work with Steven Spielberg, Quincy Jones, Oprah Winkey, and Whoopi Goldberg on the film based on her book. As it explores the controversy surrounding the movie and the impact of loss, illness, and fame on Walker -- "The Same River Twice" illuminates Walker as woman, healer, and artist.
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