Why War Is Never a Good Idea

Why War Is Never a Good Idea

Alice Walker

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Why War Is Never a Good Idea Poet and activist Alice Walkers evocative, heartfelt poem personifies the power and wanton devastation of war. Vitales compelling paintings illustrate this unflinching look at wars destructive nature and unforeseen consequences. Full color. Full description

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Why War Is Never a Good Idea Poet and activist Alice Walkers evocative, heartfelt poem personifies the power and wanton devastation of war. Vitales compelling paintings illustrate this unflinching look at wars destructive nature and unforeseen consequences. Full color. Full description

Alice Walker

Alice Walker (b. 1944), one of the United States’ preeminent writers, is an award-winning author of novels, stories, essays, and poetry. In 1983, Walker became the first African-American woman to win...

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