The Power

The Power

Rhonda Byrne

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Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realised, because The Power--to have everything good in your life--is inside you. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing...THE POWER.

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Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realised, because The Power--to have everything good in your life--is inside you. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing...THE POWER.

Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian television writer and producer, best known for her New Thought works, The Secret—a book and a film by the same name. By the Spring of 2007 the book had sold almost 4...

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