Ready for Bed! (Little Tiger Mini Hardbacks)

Ready for Bed! (Little Tiger Mini Hardbacks)

Jane Johnson

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Official covers

With her youngest bunny still wide-awake, Mrs Rabbit must try all the tricks she knows to coax her little bunny to sleep. But even if the lullabies, the bubbly bath, the warm milk and the cuddles work their magic, will Mrs Rabbit ever get any peace?

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With her youngest bunny still wide-awake, Mrs Rabbit must try all the tricks she knows to coax her little bunny to sleep. But even if the lullabies, the bubbly bath, the warm milk and the cuddles work their magic, will Mrs Rabbit ever get any peace?

Jane Johnson

aka Jude Fisher, Gabriel King (with M. John Harrison)Jane Johnson is from Cornwall and has worked in the book industry for 20 years, as a bookseller, publisher and writer.She was responsible for...

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