In this unique anthology, the extraordinary voices of ordinary Irish men and women born between the 1890s and 1930s are heard and their stories provide a folk history not readily found in conventional history books. This book of recollections grew out of a Dublin school project in which the students were encouraged to collect memories, folklore and writings from their grandparents or older people of their acquaintance. The result was an avalanche of words -- which happily preserve what might otherwise have been lost to future generations.
In this unique anthology, the extraordinary voices of ordinary Irish men and women born between the 1890s and 1930s are heard and their stories provide a folk history not readily found in conventional history books. This book of recollections grew out of a Dublin school project in which the students were encouraged to collect memories, folklore and writings from their grandparents or older people of their acquaintance. The result was an avalanche of words -- which happily preserve what might otherwise have been lost to future generations.
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