Tickling the Ivories

Tickling the Ivories

Anna Smith

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Smith's hilarious farce involves a Russian pianist named Sergei Kozlov who becomes mixed up with the 1920s mafia in New York City due to a language barrier. Contains 9+ characters, and 6 settings (2 jazz clubs, 2 different apartments, one street phone booth, and one basement type/hideaway location). *Contains no foul language, but contains some suggestive sexual humor, mainly through the use of double entendre and euphemism*

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Smith's hilarious farce involves a Russian pianist named Sergei Kozlov who becomes mixed up with the 1920s mafia in New York City due to a language barrier. Contains 9+ characters, and 6 settings (2 jazz clubs, 2 different apartments, one street phone booth, and one basement type/hideaway location). *Contains no foul language, but contains some suggestive sexual humor, mainly through the use of double entendre and euphemism*

Anna Smith

ANNA SMITH is an award winning journalist, formerly chief reporter of the Daily Record in Scotland, and sometimes newspaper columnist, with a bit of travel writing thrown in.
She divides her time...

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