Nadine Gordimer

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Paperback. Pub Date: 2000 Pages: 256 Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux Internationally celeated the for her novels of Nadine Gordimer has devoted much of her life and fiction to The political Struggles of the Third World of the New World and her native South Africa. Living in Hope and History is an on-the-spot record of her years as a public figure - an observer of apartheid and its aftermath. a member of the ANC. and the champion of dissident writers everywhere.In a letter to fellow Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe. Nadine Gordimer describes Living in Hope and History as a modest book of some of the nonfiction pieces I've written. a reflection of how I've looked at this century I've lived in. It is. in fact. an extraordinary collection of essays. articles. and addresses delivered over four decades. including her Nobel Prize Lecture of 1991.

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Paperback. Pub Date: 2000 Pages: 256 Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux Internationally celeated the for her novels of Nadine Gordimer has devoted much of her life and fiction to The political Struggles of the Third World of the New World and her native South Africa. Living in Hope and History is an on-the-spot record of her years as a public figure - an observer of apartheid and its aftermath. a member of the ANC. and the champion of dissident writers everywhere.In a letter to fellow Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe. Nadine Gordimer describes Living in Hope and History as a modest book of some of the nonfiction pieces I've written. a reflection of how I've looked at this century I've lived in. It is. in fact. an extraordinary collection of essays. articles. and addresses delivered over four decades. including her Nobel Prize Lecture of 1991.

Nadine Gordimer

Nadine Gordimer was a South African writer, political activist and recipient of the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature. She was recognized as a woman "who through her magnificent epic writing has –...

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