Social and Environmental Reporting and Its Role in Maintaining or Creating Organizational Legitimacy. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 15, Issue 3

Social and Environmental Reporting and Its Role in Maintaining or Creating Organizational Legitimacy. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 15, Issue 3

Craig Deegan

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The editor calls this a "milestone for the study of organizational history" - an emerging cross disciplinary subject field bringing together rhetoric, cultural studies, organizational communications, sociology and strategic management. There is a need for theoretical development of the subject particularly for theory which takes into account the organization as a corporate actor. This e-book answers some of these concerns

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The editor calls this a "milestone for the study of organizational history" - an emerging cross disciplinary subject field bringing together rhetoric, cultural studies, organizational communications, sociology and strategic management. There is a need for theoretical development of the subject particularly for theory which takes into account the organization as a corporate actor. This e-book answers some of these concerns

Craig Deegan

Craig has been a Professor within Australian Universities for two decades, prior to which he practiced as a Chartered Accountant. He has published widely in many well respected and highly ranked...

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