

Kim Wozencraft

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This raw, frighteningly realistic novel takes us to the explosive front lines of the drug war. Kristin Cates, former Catholic schoolgirl turned narc, is herself turning into an addict. Slowly drowning in the ugly world of the junkie, she makes a bogus case against a businessm an and soon finds herself the target of a murderer. (Random House)

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This raw, frighteningly realistic novel takes us to the explosive front lines of the drug war. Kristin Cates, former Catholic schoolgirl turned narc, is herself turning into an addict. Slowly drowning in the ugly world of the junkie, she makes a bogus case against a businessm an and soon finds herself the target of a murderer. (Random House)

Kim Wozencraft

Kim Wozencraft is the author of several critically acclaimed novels, including the internationally best-selling Rush. Adapted to a feature film starring Jennifer Jason Leigh and Jason Patric, Rush was...

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